Grow & Learn

Grow & Learn

Grow and Learn @ Living Water

We’re here for a purpose and we’ve put together a summary of how we’ve been called to serve God in this community.

Worship: Worship is the core of what we are here for as Christians and what God created us to do. We have a Sunday Morning Worship Service at 10:00 am and a Sunday Evening Worship Service at 4:00pm. Our worship service involves prayer, singing songs of praise to God and a sermon in which we learn more about Christ and what he has done for us. As a church we hold to a Reformed perspective of worship.

Fellowship: Interacting with fellow Christians is an important part of our ministry here at Living Water. Each Sunday, after the morning worship service, we have a time to talk and discuss with each other. Sometimes we have scheduled times together as a church – such as our annual church picnic – but often families will interact informally to enjoy one another’s company, get to know each other, and to mutually encourage one another in our faith.

Educate: While our Sunday sermons are often an important time of education there are many opportunities throughout the week to study the bible more. See our other education opportunities here.

Evangelize: After Jesus rose from the dead he commanded his disciples to take the gospel to all the nations of the earth. We believe that this command applies to us as a church today and we also see evangelism as a privilege to share the Good News of Jesus Christ to others. As Christians we encourage each other to do this with those we meet on a daily basis and as a church we do this through several avenues:

  • Sunday Meadows Retirement Home: From 1:30-3:00 twice a month on Sunday, the youth group conducts a service at the local old age home. This is a great opportunity for outreach and community involvement, and everyone is invited to attend.
  • Day in the Park: On a few Saturday mornings in the summer we host a morning of fun and games in a park in Brantford and share a simple gospel message at these events.  This is an opportunity to interact with the local community, get to know them a bit better and invite them to our worship service.
  • Mission De Vida: The Brantford area has a large amount of Spanish speaking migrant workers. Our church is part of a ministry to bring these men to a place where we have a Spanish outreach message, a meal and sometimes a soccer match.

Serve: When Jesus was on earth He showed that He not only cared about a person’s spiritual well being but also that God cared for their physical needs as well. Serving one another with the love of Christ is an important ministry of this church. We endeavour to do this through several organized opportunities:

  • Brantford Blessing Center: From 4:15-6:30 pm, twice a month, on Saturday’s, we serve a meal at a soup kitchen in Brantford. Everyone is invited to contribute, whether by preparing food or by coming out on Saturday to help out.
  • Diaconal Outreach: The early church set men aside to show Christ’s mercy to those in need. Living Water believes this is still a valid office today and our deacons are available to help those – not only with physical needs – but also to study the bible or pray with those in the surrounding community.
  • Causes We Support: We support a variety of causes both via volunteers and financially. The list of ministries we support can be found here.